Tuesday, March 30, 2021



took easter bunny pictures without the easter bunny... there's a certain type of bad bitch energy, that rushes through your body when you are standing in a crowd of identical people and each and every wandering eye can't help but stare. I think the fact that i can make someone so uncomfortable with my forceful appearance is so god-like. i use to watch my parent's and elders' days be ruined by a stranger simply existing in the way they want to be seen and i knew i wanted to be able to hold that fearful control.  I won't lie tho and say i don't get insecure by all the judging eyes. i mean its scary, being surrounded by people who are disgusted by your persona, yet at least i know that at the end of the night, it all washes off, and tomorrow, they will have to be the same fucking person over and over again until they die. which is completely terrifying... It also helps when a cute lil grandma comes up to you and tells you and your friends that were beautiful <3 i love that grandma so much!!! she definitely one of those new age/hip grandmas trapped in the labyrinth known as Scottsdale. 

Its only 5 and im most likely going out again tonight.. might draft this and add more but idk.. check back if you care -your favorite blogger katbird/papercutkneecaps/ivebeenthinkingaboutthecirclekworker 

update: went to a really cool open mic with Chloe, which was like watching a Tumblr girl rejecting the society she belongs in.. it was absolutely beautiful then I received a message on Instagram asking for feet pictures, I probably should be bothered by the fact he knows my name and the state I live in.. but it was honestly pretty funny.. I post one picture of my torn-up ankles and that's what i get..lol 

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